Monday, November 8, 2010

There is little to report today. I finally made a purchase from the new Trader Joe's Market that moved into town; $3 for a large amount of Soy Sauce and no tax? Sounds good to me. The fried rice it helped to produce was excellent. 

Wheel of Time reading goes well, but I keep faltering either when I come to a particularly good part I want to savor, or when I reach an excruciatingly annoying character's point of view. One of the most interesting notions to ponder when reading certain sections is, "how long would Robert Jordan have lingered on this plot point or scene?" Several times now I have laughed aloud at how quickly a situation developed or blew over completely when earlier in the series the characters may have spent hundreds of pages pondering the scenario. 

Those who know me may know about my general dissatisfaction with our calendar. It's unsymmetric, unsightly and downright boring. Recently I came up with a plan that would revolutionize calendography across the globe! Firstly, we only need 10 months; 12 is just a pain. The months will be slightly longer, and should be composed of 10 day weeks; seven weekdays followed by three weekend days. This is the key though: the months will have no holidays. Instead the holidays will be placed between the months, and shall generally be a few days in length. So after December we will have days whose only labels are Christmas 1, Christmas 2, etc...I think it would be a fun plan and makes holidays a lot more intensive and fun. I barely notice Halloween this year, for example, but if it constituted three or so days smashed between a few months, it would be a great festival. 

It's time for another movie villain, and why not aim high? If you don't know this guy, than you have no business on this blog. Here he is ladies and gents: Darth Vader.
Still one of the most feared villains in all the galaxies, Darth Vader is one of the greatest antagonists to ever thwart a hero. He wields a deadly lightsaber, flies a modified tie fighter, is capable of choking incompetent officers from across the room and rocks some fantastic theme music. His characteristic breathing inspires doom in all who hear it, and his malevolence can truly be felt through his voice. Vader turning out to be Luke's father was a fantastic twist, and the Sith Lord's eventual (and unprecedented) return from the Dark Side resulting in the Emperor's death is a moment to behold. It's a good thing no one ever made any prequel movies that may have forever sullied the reputation of an excellent series forevermore. Yessir, that would have been a disaster.


  1. Doesn't Darth Vader pitch for the Yankees?

  2. I'm pretty sure I've heard multiple stadiums play the Imperial March for the Yankees. Joe Torre was definitely Emperor Palpatine too.
