Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's not often you get a day that lasts 25 hours. Despite the rain, I think I managed to enjoy mine pretty well. Most of it was spent huddled indoors swathed in blankets and tales of the Dragon Reborn. I really wish we had a fireplace; when you factor in the smoldering scent of the smoke, the toasty, somnolentic glow and the zenlike, crackling dance of the flames, it's clear that few things can contribute as astronomically to a room's atmosphere as a fireplace.

Given my distinct lack of such a item (and my town's strangely fanatic stance in that vein), I turned to the next best thing: my kitchen. First I prepared enough cinnamon muffins for a weekworth of breakfasts. Next I used the combined powers of tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, black olives, spicy italian sausage and just enough garlic in a pan that was surely meant to hold but half the deliciousness that was greedily prepared within it this day. The sauce may even outlast the muffins; yet ironically it is the more delicious of the two that will surely be devoured from the face of the earth first, so whichever remains will earn only the shame of defeat for its endurance.

I declare that the time is right to unleash the villainous Kefka Palazzo!
Archfiend of Final Fantasy VI, Kefka is like other mad villains in that he sets out to destroy the world. Kefka is quite unlike these others in that he succeeds. At first just a foolish pest and oft-ignored advisor to Emperor Gestahl, his absolute lack of morals, insane fixation with magic and sheer bloodthirst slowly gain him influence within the war-mongering Empire. Kefka's insanity should not be understated, and is best evidenced by his bone-chilling laugh. He tortures his enemies, kills his friends, poisons noble warriors, incinerates towns and lords over the shattered world like a god. Kefka is absolutely one of the greatest game villains of all time.


  1. Even 2600 miles shall not be enough distance to protect your black olives. Perhaps if I starve myself, I'll become hungry enough that my latent talent for wielding Saidin will manifest itself in the spontaneous opening of a gateway.

  2. I scan the news desperately for news of the Orioles (or any baseball news, for that matter), but to no avail. The Blog of Ned will have to get me through this winter of my discontent.
