Saturday, February 5, 2011

As of last week I had finally beaten every single level of Donkey Kong Country Returns and all it took was hundreds upon hundreds of deaths! Kongs toppled, burned and suffered, were crushed, smashed and blasted, but in the end I was victorious. And for those who care,  not once did I resort to cheap cops-outs like the Banana Juice--I slogged through those K-levels like a true I started playing the original a few days back too, and will hop on over to the second one after the first finishes embarrassing me.

Do forgive the anachronism, but I forgot to include my Nutcracker armada during my many Christmas posts:

This XKCD comic referenced one of the internet's greatest and most legendary traditions, ZOMBOCOM. Hopefully the site is back up now, since the reference reminded everyone of the zombawesomeness and crashed it earlier.

Just watched a Town Called Panic and Kindergarten Cop with the Physics crew. The former was zanily excellent and the latter was horrendously entertaining (I'll let you puzzle out what that means exactly). You see, "Kindergarten is like the sea."

I'll hold off on doing anything else with math/physics here for now, but rest assured, I've been cultivating some new ideas and dear God are they horrific.

Continuing my string of non-sequiturs, I'd like to discuss the weather. So temperate is the current climate that the temptation to run outside and play with a soccer ball is nearly irresistible; in fact, I shall form an assembladge whose goal is just that. Midterms may have just peaked on the horizon (they cast a dark and grisly shadow over the coming week), but camping looms in the best of senses.

Today's villain comes from one of the greatest puzzle game series of all time and actually appeared in another guise entirely on this blog many, many weeks ago. Meet the master of Puyo Puyo, Satan!
Little can be said about Satan from the Puyo Puyo universe except that he chose a really great game to be the best at. He is the final boss of the first two games in the long-running series, but his motives remain shrouded in mystery due to me not knowing Japanese. Perhaps he wants to destroy/conquer the world, perhaps he wants to murder our hero, or maybe he simply craves a challenge to his Puyo Puyo might. Who knows? And did I mention that Satan also gave rise to one of the most glorious battle themes ever composed? Frankly, that theme alone is enough to have him featured here. 


  1. Good news and bad news.

    The good news = Vlad Guerrero is now an Oriole!

    The bad news = We had to hock Blogger Ned's entire nutcracker collection (see photo above) to acquire him.

  2. I forgot to mention that! The Orioles now have a eventual Hall of Famer on their team! It's too bad about the nutcrackers though...

  3. Two future Hall of Famers . . . you forgot Felix Pie.

  4. Is the Orioles bird in the photo an actual nutcracker, or did you just slip him in there?

  5. He's just a bobblehead who snuck into the picture.
