Sunday, December 19, 2010

The last few days have been spent enjoying all the usual luxuries of being home during the holidays: roaring fireplaces, delicious spaghettis, and slapdash lamp repair.  Somehow a magazine article about Chromatic Polynomiels also found its way into my hands. And while my attempts to sate a certain canine's ravenous appetite for retrieval have been futile, my thorough search of all the house's dusty bookcases has yielded an enviable bounty. I'll returning to Davis with quite a few additional books in tow.

Good news struck today when the trailer for the new Ace Attorney game was revealed: check it out here if you are interested. It seems that logic and evidence will fly amongst another cast of new and interesting characters. Yet, if you watch the end of the trailer very closely you might notice the subtle and titanic return of a notorious assassin known only as Shelly De Killer.
Today's villain is as dangerous as he is devious and his past is shrouded in as much blood as mystery. The peerless assassin of the Phoenix Wright world, Shelly De Killer has been at the bottom of innumerable murders and has evaded capture on countless occasions. A noble hit man, De Killer leaves his famous calling card at the scene of his crimes and is perfectly faithful to his employers...unless they foolishly attempt to betray him. As you ponder the grave implications of his return to the series, listen to his haunting theme, fittingly entitled "The Whim of a Murderous Gentleman."


  1. Did your book hunting yield anything more interesting than Nostromo?

  2. A SECOND copy of Nostromo, actually.
