Saturday, October 30, 2010


Oh whatever ancient muse does here still reside, guide this accounting. I am well aware that the last thing that the internet needs is another blog, but given that humanity's inexorable spiral into frivolity and self-indulgence has been long assured and will surely continue unabated despite my best efforts, I feel no wrong from what I now do. Perhaps I will get a little linguistic exercise, perhaps I will inform those interested of my happenings and perhaps I will enjoy the process. In any case, let the words commence.

I'm a big fan of rain; it motivates me. Today it motivated me to get a TV, upon which I now view the World Series. I sincerely hope that the Giants can win before a Game Seven need occur as I would have a very hard time telling my students that there would be any consequences if they missed my class to cheer their team on in the most climatic of baseball contests. I also exercised my consumerist muscle with the purchase a rubber plant; if expertise steams only from familiarity than you could call me an adept on the species elastica (semicolons as well).  

Oh, and I started a blog today. Blame this guy. 

I plan now to study some Quantum Mechanics. I've become a big fan of entangled photons detected by Compton Scattering and hope to encounter them on the midterm next week. I do Physics, you see.

And now for the most exciting and anticipated part of the blog; the villain of the post! Each post I compose will be accompanied by a villain; don't bother to question axioms. Given my love for EarthBound (from which this very url is derived) and my sane state of mind, there is little choice about who deserves premier billing. Today's villain is none other than the pure, unadulterated manifestation of evil: Giygas.
Ness's nemesis, Giygas doesn't do evil, he is evil. In fact, evil is also Giygas. Condensed into logical terms, Giygas is a necessary and sufficient condition for evil. He is a malevolent, corrupting presence that battles the heroes of Mother 2 during every step of their wonderful journey. Driven insane by his own power, he seeks only to destroy the universe and the sole hope of opposing his omnipotence lies in ridding Ness of his inner evils, gathering the world's power and traveling back to the very beginning of time, when his strength was not yet absolute. Fighting him is the culminating experience of EarthBound, and unlike most games the protagonist and his allies cannot defeat him. Giygas can be bested only through the prayers of the actual player. 


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